Best Person for the Job – Stacey Painter

Meet South Atlantic Region member Stacey Painter

Stacy Painter has a front row seat to how the construction field is changing. A branch manager for Apple One Staffing in Greenville, South Carolina, a national brand of staffing agencies, she specializes in the construction and service industry. “With an influx of new generational workers, I think that it will be an exciting and possibly challenging time,” says Painter.

Transitioning from HR to staffing in 2017, Painter quickly developed a passion for construction and related industries. “I found my love through NAWIC and connecting with my NAWIC sisters,” she says. Over the years, Painter has served as president of the Columbia, South Carolina NAWIC chapter, the South Atlantic Region CAD/Design Drafting Chair, and has chaired the NAWIC national, South Atlantic Region, and Columbia, SC Chapter membership committees.

“As women in the industry, we are champions for our sisters. NAWIC creates outlets for growth and support of each other,” Painter enthuses. “We have made great strides but there is more to come!”

For Painter, one of the most rewarding aspects of providing staffing for the construction industry is seeing its impact. Construction offers the opportunity for stable work and living wages. The pay gap is among the lowest by industry, with women receiving nearly equal pay compared to their male colleagues (95.5% on average.) “It is life changing when you are able to help someone put food on their table or provide for their family,” she says.

Covid gave Painter another opportunity to make a difference. Early in the pandemic, when everything was in limbo, Apple One Staffing gave their team’s full support to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) for its Covid response. “We made more meaningful connections than ever with our clients and got out in the community, making a daily impact! It was a challenge but an incredible journey,” she says.

For the future, Painter’s goal is to continue to impact her community through helping talented women and men find great long-lasting positions in construction. She encourages women to join NAWIC for the support and to “meet the most amazing ladies ever!”

If you know of a NAWIC member that deserves to be recognized as a Best Person for the Job, contact us today!